Wednesday, 18 January 2012
JAVA: Checked and UnChecked Exception
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In Java, there are lots of sub-classes under java.lang.Exception class. we can divide these sub-classes into 2 types on the basis of compile-time checking.
The types are - Checked Exception & Unchecked Exception.
Checked Exception:
- Except RuntimeException( java.lang.RuntimeException) class, all sub-classes of Exception are checked exception.
- These exceptions need to include in a method's throws list, because these are checked by the compiler during compile time if a method handles or throws these exception.
Unckecked Exception:
- RuntimeException and its sub-classes are called as unchecked exception.
- We don't need to include in a method's throws list, because these are not checked by the compiler during compile time.
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1 Responses to “ JAVA: Checked and UnChecked Exception ”
29 August 2018 at 18:25
I found best article.thank you for sharing useful info.
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